Fact-Checking Policy


At itmlucknow.in, we are committed to delivering accurate, reliable, and trustworthy information. Our Fact-Checking Policy ensures that the content we publish is thoroughly vetted and fact-checked to maintain the highest standards of integrity.

Our Commitment to Accuracy

  1. Verification of Sources: We rely on credible and authoritative sources for our information. This includes:
    • Academic journals
    • Official government websites
    • Reputable news organizations
    • Subject matter experts
  2. Cross-Referencing: All claims and data points are cross-referenced with multiple sources whenever possible to ensure accuracy.
  3. Transparency: We provide clear citations and links to sources used in our articles. Readers can easily verify the information we present.

Fact-Checking Process

  1. Initial Review: Before publication, articles undergo an initial review by our editorial team to check for factual accuracy.
  2. Expert Consultation: For complex topics, we consult subject matter experts to validate the information and gather insights.
  3. Post-Publication Monitoring: After publication, we continuously monitor articles for updates and emerging information. Corrections or updates will be made promptly if inaccuracies are discovered.

Corrections Policy

We believe in accountability. If we publish information that is later found to be inaccurate, we will:

  • Correct the error as soon as possible.
  • Update the article with a note indicating the changes made.
  • Maintain transparency by providing a brief explanation of the correction.

Feedback and Inquiries

We welcome feedback from our readers. If you have concerns about the accuracy of any content, please reach out to us:


The trust of our readers is paramount. Our Fact-Checking Policy is designed to uphold our commitment to providing accurate and reliable information. Thank you for being a valued member of our community.